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Time-boxing across time zones: Agile with remote teams

Agile methodologies are now recognized as a structured way to work through ambiguous and complex software problems with evolving solution requirements. Practices such as sprints, backlogs, timeboxing, scrum, can be applied in a variety of…

50 shades of grey, or how a web theme drives B2B SaaS product consistency

The boundaries are blurring between software-as-a-service and application design. It’s not just about the consistency in separation of the front end of the back end. For your SaaS platform the best practices for well structured code apply as much…

How Ethereum Smart Contracts work

Blockchain is a technology of decentralized data storage that provides a high-security level and enables data manipulation occurred within the certain rules. This confidence is ensured by the fact that data array is stored at…

Blockchain’s next challenges

The first generation of blockchain applications, mainly Bitcoin derivatives, do not store real (non-cryptocurrency) data in the blockchain itself. Instead, they store hashes (digital fingerprint). These hashes represent digital assets on-chain. This way, the blockchain…

How to manage an API lifecycle

In today’s competitive landscape, businesses need to make decisions quickly; whether it’s a new marketing campaign, a new product enhancement, a new partner portal or an employee productivity app, businesses are competing on speed. What is needed is flexibility. And what better way to do this than…

iPaaS – the way to integrate modern cloud based solutions

Modern businesses are rapidly adapting cloud based services like Salesforce, Workday, ServiceNow. There are many companies that completely operate from the cloud, or more precise clouds. The benefits of cloud based platforms are clear. But...

The biggest trends and challenges in SaaS integration

The benefits of SaaS for businesses are quite obvious. With SaaS software you can use everything through a web browser, there is no server room, mainframe, or desktop software to install. This is all seamlessly…

Using Scrum in the development process

At CloudGeometry, we apply the Scrum framework across all our projects. A Scrum process is distinguished from other agile processes by specific concepts and practices, divided into the three categories of Roles, Artifacts, and Time…

5 reasons to start developing for IoT

Just as smartphones are being built with more and more sensors — for everything like movement, sound, temperature and touch — so the devices around your home will slowly begin to have the same.

Creating a lean, mean requirements machine

Agile requirements are a product owner's best friend. Product owners who don't use agile requirements get caught up with spec'ing out every detail to deliver the right software.

The best practices of building API for your SaaS

The smartest organizations have discovered a set of best practices to design powerful APIs that leverage existing services, to effectively manage those APIs throughout their lifecycle and to scale their deployment across consumers and devices...

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