
Cloud Cost Management

Choose from our curated catalog of select Open Source & leading commercial products to accelerate launch of new initiatives and modernization of existing systems.
As FinOps-certified experts, we use leading industry open-source and commercial tools to optimize infrastructure costs across all major hyperscalers, Kubernetes clusters, and MLOps workloads.
Many robust products provide cost management solutions, focusing on optimizing cloud services or Kubernetes clusters.
Multi-Cloud strategies: AWS, Azure, GCP and Kubernetes Hosting
Reserved capacity savings
Consulting Partners discounts and programs
Migration assessments and future cost evaluation
In depth spent analytics of Kubernetes workloads
Open Source solutions with CloudGeometry professional support

Cost Observability

Usage & Cost monitoring, analysis, predictions, budgets and quota.

Cloud Services

AWS / Azure / Google Cloud resource, cost management, & optimization.


Provides visibility into cloud costs and usage with budgets, alerts, and actions.

Datadog Cloud Cost Management

An extension of the Datadog Observability platform, it correlates cost data with operational metrics. It's multi-cloud and can also be used for Kubernetes.


Has been on the market for a long time and remains a strong choice for complex enterprises with multiple clouds. It offers automation capabilities and resource utilization calculations.
AWS logo

AWS cloud intelligence dashboards

This FinOps-approved AWS initiative, formerly known as CUDOS and now part of the Cloud Intelligence Dashboard, provides powerful visualizations. With some customization, it can perform magic, including multi-cloud capabilities.

Kubernetes Workloads

Container orchestration adds an extra abstraction layer, and its highly dynamic and elastic runtime environment requires specialized tools for accurate cost calculation and attribution.
CloudGeometry supports Kubecost CGDevX


Provides real-time insights into Kubernetes spending, including network traffic that many tools miss, and cost-saving recommendations. Allows for custom spend categories that combine both Kubernetes and cloud costs.


Also adds limited cost observability to introspect Kubernetes with more limited metrics set (CPU, GPU, memory) and can serve as all-in-one solution when Kubernetes environment is less dynamic.


Open Source
Multi-cloud cost metrics solution, whose reporting capabilities can be extended by exporting metrics to Prometheus and visualizing them with Grafana.
CloudGeometry's CGDevX toolkit integrates the OpenSource OpenCost tool for simplified deployment.

Cost Optimization

Optimize cloud infrastructure costs through continuous cost optimization, rightsizing, and lifecycle control.

Cloud Services

AWS / Azure / Google Cloud resource, cost management, & optimization.



Provides instance sizing recommendations based on existing Reserved Instances, Savings Plans, and Spot availability, along with advice on optimizing Reserved Instances and Savings Plan coverage.

Cloud Custodian

Open Source
A multi-purpose, cloud-agnostic automation engine, it can be used for automated cleanups of orphaned resources based on utilization metrics, VM off-hours scheduling, and more.

Kubernetes Workloads

Container orchestration adds an extra abstraction layer, as a highly dynamic and elastic runtime environment requires specialized tools for accurate cost calculation and attribution.


A multi-cluster and multi-cloud solution for continuous cost optimization primarily focused on analyzing and recommending resource limits, Providing automatic adjustments.

Extends continuous Kubernetes resource management capabilities by automating instance selection, rightsizing, and dynamic cluster rebalancing.


Open Source
Recommendations can be applied to optimize Kubernetes cluster utilization. This manual process is only suitable for small-scale deployments with predictable load patterns.


Enhances reading of Kubernetes Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) data, offering insights on pod resource consumption and rightsizing.

Compute Fleet Management

Cloud Services

AWS / Azure / Google Cloud resource, cost management, & optimization.

A multi-purpose solution, its core function remains managing compute infrastructure for scale-out scenarios. It tracks and scores the spot instance market by type, using these scores, RIs, and savings plans to select the cheapest option for organizations.

Kubernetes Workloads

Container orchestration adds an extra abstraction layer, as its highly dynamic and elastic runtime environment requires specialized tools for accurate cost calculation and attribution.


Open Source
Analyzes application load, scheduling, and resource requirements. It automatically removes under-utilized nodes, replaces expensive nodes with cheaper alternatives, and consolidates workloads onto more efficient compute resources.


Cloud Services

AWS / Azure / Google Cloud resource, cost management, & optimization.



Both provide tagging/labeling strategy, governance, and other compliance checks extending into the security domain.
nOps can also automatically generate continuous Well-Architected Framework reviews.

Kubernetes Workloads

Container orchestration adds an extra abstraction layer, as a highly dynamic and elastic runtime environment requires specialized tools for accurate cost calculation and attribution.
CloudGeometry supports Kyverno CGDevX


Open Source
As a policy engine primarily focused on security, it can also indirectly reduce cloud infrastructure costs by preventing the provisioning of resources without labels and resource limits, ensuring other Kubernetes cost management tools function correctly.
CloudGeometry partners with leading cloud platforms & technology providers, and contributes to popular open source projects.
Cloud Native Computing Foundation — CNCF
Linux Foundation AI & Data Generative AI Commons
MLflow — ML and GenAI