GDPR Compliance Statement

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/678 came into effect on 25 May 2018 with the objective to harmonize data privacy laws across the EU, protect and empower all EU citizens data privacy anywhere in the world. GDPR imposes obligations on companies that control or process personal data.

CloudGeometry complies with applicable data protection regulations and is committed to GDPR compliance across its relevant services. CloudGeometry compliance efforts include:


CloudGeometry provides high quality services and develops solutions which have to follow and comply with international and regional laws, policies and standards, and GDPR is one of them. CloudGeometry’s internal development process workflow include a checklist for GDPR compliance.

Contractual commitments

Working in conjunction with our partners and customers, CloudGeometry is reviewing our contractual commitments and updates them as needed to directly address GDPR requirements. CloudGeometry has also reviewed its existing contracts to ensure GDPR compliance throughout its supply chain and will continue to conduct due diligence as new suppliers are onboarded.

Employee training and awareness

All CloudGeometry employees must complete data privacy and security training (as a part of going through GDPR checklist) supplementing existing modules with GDPR-specific content. In addition to these training requirements, CloudGeometry conducts ongoing awareness initiatives on a variety of topics, including data protection, security and privacy.

Contact us

If you are a customer or partner of CloudGeometry and would prefer to have a signed copy of the CloudGeometry Data Processing Agreement, please contact your account manager or email us at

If you have any questions relating to CloudGeometry compliance with GDPR, please email us at

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