Integrated CI/CD
Software Delivery Pipeline

Ensure automation can help your developers release features faster without compromising on quality. 

CloudGeometry’s CI/CD Services ensure you have a seamless, automated, and efficient deployment lifecycle, enabling your developers to push features faster without compromising on quality. We help speed up your software development life cycle with comprehensive services targeted to  the key components needed to  ensure agility, quality, and efficiency in every release. 

Seamless Deployments
Move smoothly from development to production
Streamlined Processes
Easy teamwork boosts productivity
Consistency & Reliability
Ensure the integrity of every build and deployment cycle

Key Features & Benefits

Always Deployment Ready

Provision consistently at both infrastructure and application levels, ensuring your services are always ready for deployment.

Built-in Continuous Testing

Launch and execute tests in an environment identical to production, guaranteeing robustness and reliability.

Self-Documenting Systems

Robust, human-readable documentation that prevents configuration drift and ensures transparency across the board.

Controllable Consistency

Ensure that what's tested in DEV is the same in QA and ultimately gets deployed in PROD.

Seamless Open-Source Integration

Use open-source tools for better compatibility across platforms.

Outcome-Based Provisioning

Maintain a "single source of truth" for all infrastructure, ensuring consistency and reliability.

How CI/CD Works at CloudGeometry

In the software world, time-to-market is vital. Manual processes, disjointed workflows, and unclear deployment strategies can slow down developers. At CloudGeometry, our CI/CD services are built to remove these roadblocks, letting developers focus solely on code quality and innovation.

The CGDevX Reference Architecture

Our CGDevX Reference Architecture makes it easy to use a cohesive suite of platform engineering tools tailored for efficient development in your particular environment.

Continuous Feedback Loop

Every stage of the CI/CD process provides feedback, ensuring constant quality checks and improvements.

Service Delivery for CI/CD

Our team examines your existing CI/CD setup, identifying areas of improvement.
Review current deployment strategies
Analyze integration & testing procedures
Examine security protocols in place
Next we outline a roadmap to improve your CI/CD processes.
Refine integration techniques
Propose automation strategies
Enhance deployment frequency
We provide hands-on implementation of the proposed CI/CD strategies.
Set up automated pipelines
Integrate desired tools and platforms
Establish monitoring and alert systems
Appropriate monitoring enables continuous assessment and fine-tuning of your CI/CD processes.
Monitor deployment success rates
Adjust based on feedback loops
Incorporate new tools as needed
Appropriate monitoring enables continuous assessment and fine-tuning of your CI/CD processes.
Integrate emerging technologies
Update pipelines for new software practices
Ensure scalability and flexibility of the CI/CD setup

What People Say About CloudGeometry Services

“CloudGeometry really impressed us with their experience, born of working with energetic Silicon Valley start-ups who prioritized speed vs. quality & stability in a matter of a few months”
Tushar Patel
SVP Engineering,
Sinclair Digital Media
“The perfect complement to keep our talented developers productive and innovating for our customers – without missing a beat on security, compliance, and reliability”
Carolyn Maxwell
VP Products,
Enterprise FinTech Startup
“Top DevOps expertise and amazing team of experts, who are ready to help with all the tasks and resolve any problems. They are CI/CD, AWS, Docker and Kubernetes natives”
Tzahi Fridman
Director R&D, Cloud Architecture,
GE Digital
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