Cloudgeometry Blog

Demetrius Korotkov

Design Director
Demetrius has over 15 years of work experience in the IT industry. He is responsible for concept development of new experiences, interfaces, maintenance of style guides, UI toolkits and experience design languages. He manages multiple CloudGeometry projects from concept through completion and provides governance of overall corporate's brand look and feel.
CloudGeometry AWS Partner Network SaaS Factory CompetencyCloudGeometry CNCF Kubernetes Certified Service Provider
CloudGeometry AWS Well-Architected Framework WAFR

50 shades of grey, or how a web theme drives B2B SaaS product consistency

The boundaries are blurring between software-as-a-service and application design. It’s not just about the consistency in separation of the front end of the back end. For your SaaS platform the best practices for well structured code apply as much…

Creating a lean, mean requirements machine

Agile requirements are a product owner's best friend. Product owners who don't use agile requirements get caught up with spec'ing out every detail to deliver the right software.

Connect the dots with Cloud Geometry.