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From DevOps to DataOps

Modern software development runs at a faster pace than ever before. As cloud computing divides winners and losers in the data-driven marketplace, converging applications and their data with the infrastructure they run on makes more…

Introducing our new Data Engineering & Data Science Pipeline Practice Offerings

We’re excited to add new new expert consultancy offerings focused on helping data-driven companies unleash the velocity and power of modern data-centric systems at scale. Our goal for this practice is to make life easier…

When Kubernetes met Spark: what native Kubernetes support means for “big data” and data science

The recent news from Wall Street about the merger of two of the original “big data” companies, Cloudera and Hortonworks (now called “Cloudera”) made a lot of noise across the Big Tech Finance marketplace, certainly here in Silicon Valley. But…

The Data Science Myth is not about Data Scientists

This is true: big data is cheaper and faster, but harder; data scientists have the skills, and are in great demand. True, but only partially. Yes, data scientists make a huge difference, but if only they have the…

OWASP ZAP penetration security testing tool

A new tool is available for those who would benefit from automated penetration testing and who don’t have the internal know-how or resources to deal with the problem of security testing for their web or…

The Data Engineering Checklist for Data Science

What comes after Big Data? Bigger data. Demands on data scientists are growing even faster. They need to the resources and tools to make ever more effective use of their time. Expanding Data Engineering holds…

The “Lambda” Architecture for near real-time data processing

The Lambda Architecture is an approach to building stream processing applications on top of MapReduce and near real-time data processing systems.

5 reasons to start developing for IoT

Just as smartphones are being built with more and more sensors — for everything like movement, sound, temperature and touch — so the devices around your home will slowly begin to have the same.

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