CloudGeometry Blog


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Announcing the CGDevX Cloud Native Application Starter Kit

CGDevX has always been about making things easier and more reliable for developers, and today we're announcing the release of the CGDevX Cloud Application Starter Kit (CNASK).

CloudGeometry Streamlines Software Delivery for DevOps with Workload Management Integration in Open-Source Platform Engineering Tool, CGDevX

How CGDevX, the open-source tool for platform engineering reference implementation from CloudGeometry, paves a golden path forward from DevOPs with its latest update, integrating workload management to streamline software delivery and application modernization. Its a modular, GitOps-driven approach enables enhanced operational efficiency and reliability.

Cloud Application Modernization: Use cases for Navigating Beyond the Migration Horizon

ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: Neither software updates nor migration alone are enough for cloud success. CloudGeometry experts Nick Chase and David Fishman present why it's never too late, nor too soon, to make sense of strategic technology choices – across the challenges and opportunities of modernizing your application, your platform, and your Cloud portfolios.

The state of Platform Engineering: where are we now?

Discover key 2023 trends in Platform Engineering from Humanitec's survey. Insights on AI integration, salary differences, job titles, and work patterns...

Announcing CGDevX, the next step forward in Platform Engineering

Discover CGDevX by CloudGeometry, a cutting-edge platform engineering reference implementation. Transform development with automated workflows, CI/CD, and collaboration for efficient, high-quality...

Cloud-native programming isn’t bog-standard easy – yet

CGDevX is your key to cloud-native success! With end-to-end solutions, open-source power, and unwavering security, we simplify cloud-native development...

How we help round the curve to cloud-native success as a CNCF Kubernetes Certified Service Provider

We are proud to announce CloudGeometry is now officially a member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation® (CNCF®), joining as a Kubernetes Certified Service...

Set Up Cloud Workloads With Metrics You'll Wish You Already Had

Discover the power of CGDevX for Cloud-Native DevOps. Simplify Kubernetes monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana, ensuring enhanced observability and...

Setting up for Success with Cloud Native SDLC

Discover CGDevX's Cloud Native Quick Start Kit—your path to streamlined DevOps. Manage Kubernetes, integrate CI/CD, and elevate cloud-native software delivery...

From DevOps to GitOps: how Platform Engineering Helps

Discover CGDevX by CloudGeometry—an innovative GitOps solution for cloud-agnostic platform engineering. Streamline DevOps, enhance IaC, and achieve efficient infrastructure...

Connect the dots with Cloud Geometry.