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Big Data

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Breaking Down Data Silos with a Collective Data Fabric

Data silos are the natural result of decentralized systems and tooling decisions that optimize for individual departments rather than the organization as a whole. Common entities like "client," "customer," or "user ID" often differ across departments, complicating data integration -- custom ETL (extract, transform, load) processes (read: spaghetti code) that are challenging to scale and maintain. It doesn't have to be that way.

Why Text-to-SQL Isn’t Enough: The Case for Knowledge Graphs in Data Management

In the world of enterprise data management, text-to-SQL technology, while helpful, is it simply not enough for today’s complex data environments?

Why you need to worry about openwashing

Uncover the risks of openwashing in AI tools like ChatGPT. Learn about the Linux Foundation's new tools for ensuring model transparency and protecting your interests.

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