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Learn from the recent major outage affecting IT and Security teams worldwide. Discover essential steps for rigorous system assessments, risk management, and business continuity planning to enhance your organization's security posture.
Valery Levchenko
July 19, 2024

CrowdStroke: A Wake-Up Call for IT Security

Learn from the recent major outage affecting IT and Security teams worldwide. Discover essential steps for rigorous system assessments, risk management, and business continuity planning to enhance your organization's security posture.

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Discover the hidden risks of openwashing in generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Dall-E. Learn about the Linux Foundation's new Model Openness Framework and Tool, designed to ensure transparency and protect your business and customers.
Nick Chase
June 23, 2024

Why you need to worry about openwashing

Uncover the risks of openwashing in AI tools like ChatGPT. Learn about the Linux Foundation's new tools for ensuring model transparency and protecting your interests.

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Unleash the power of data-centric systems at scale. Our consultancy offerings empower data-driven companies with efficient data engineering and science pipelines. Accelerate data exploration, improve quality, and achieve continuous agility. Learn more!
Michael Philip
December 17, 2018

Introducing our new Data Engineering & Data Science Pipeline Practice Offerings

We’re excited to add new new expert consultancy offerings focused on helping data-driven companies unleash the velocity and power of modern data-centric systems at scale. Our goal for this practice is to make life easier…

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Discover the key factors for successful agile implementation with remote teams across different time zones. Learn how to effectively handle complexity, foster team structure, ensure knowledge transfer, and close communication gaps.
Michael Philip
November 20, 2018

Time-boxing across time zones: Agile with remote teams

Agile methodologies are now recognized as a structured way to work through ambiguous and complex software problems with evolving solution requirements. Practices such as sprints, backlogs, timeboxing, scrum, can be applied in a variety of…

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Discover the power of native Kubernetes support for Spark in processing big data. Learn how the integration of Kubernetes and Spark enhances scalability, resource management, and flexibility. Read now!
Alex Ulyanov
November 1, 2018

When Kubernetes met Spark: what native Kubernetes support means for “big data” and data science

The recent news from Wall Street about the merger of two of the original “big data” companies, Cloudera and Hortonworks (now called “Cloudera”) made a lot of noise across the Big Tech Finance marketplace, certainly here in Silicon Valley. But…

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Discover how Proxmox, an open-source virtualization platform, combined with automation, simplifies cloud infrastructure management. Learn to automate VM provisioning and lifecycle tasks. Read now!
David Fishman
October 10, 2018

Hands-on cloud lifecycle virtualization for hands-free automation

The good news about modern virtualization technologies like KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) and containers (e.g., LXC) is that you get almost limitless options for spinup and teardown of clusters, machines, networks and so on. That’s also the bad…

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Explore the benefits and considerations of using Amazon EKS for Kubernetes on AWS. Learn about integration with AWS services, cost considerations, system redesign, and recommended use cases.
Alex Ulyanov
September 17, 2018

Figuring out if Kubernetes on AWS (EKS) is right for you: Second of 2 posts

Note: This is part two of a two-part series on Amazon EKS. ICYMI, here's a comprehensive intro overview get you up top speed on EKS: “Ten things to know about Kubernetes on AWS”.) By this…

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Discover the essential things you need to know about Kubernetes on Amazon EKS. From supported instance types to network performance, get expert insights for a successful deployment. Read part one of our two-part series now!
Alex Ulyanov
September 17, 2018

Ten things to know about Kubernetes on Amazon (EKS): First of 2 posts

Note: This is part one of a two-part series on Amazon EKS; to see a more in-depth review and recommendations, see Part II: “Figuring out if Kubernetes on AWS (EKS) is right for you”

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Learn why data engineers are essential in solving complex business problems through data science. Discover how they build reliable data pipelines for efficient data-driven solutions.
David Fishman
August 5, 2018

The Data Science Myth is not about Data Scientists

This is true: big data is cheaper and faster, but harder; data scientists have the skills, and are in great demand. True, but only partially. Yes, data scientists make a huge difference, but if only they have the…

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Discover OWASP ZAP, a free and open-source penetration testing tool for web and mobile applications. Conduct security testing, intercept and modify requests, and enhance your application's security level without the need for extensive technical expertise.
David Fishman
July 17, 2018

OWASP ZAP penetration security testing tool

A new tool is available for those who would benefit from automated penetration testing and who don’t have the internal know-how or resources to deal with the problem of security testing for their web or…

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Discover the essential roles and responsibilities of data engineers and data scientists in unlocking the potential of big data. Learn how to build reliable data pipelines, ensure data quality, and achieve impactful business insights.
Alex Ulyanov
June 1, 2018

The Data Engineering Checklist for Data Science

What comes after Big Data? Bigger data. Demands on data scientists are growing even faster. They need to the resources and tools to make ever more effective use of their time. Expanding Data Engineering holds…

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Ensure GDPR compliance by conducting infrastructure testing according to OWASP and NCSC standards. Discover vulnerabilities, strengthen security measures, and protect personal data with CloudGeometry's trusted approach.
David Fishman
May 31, 2018

Infrastructure testing as a part of GDPR compliance according to OWASP & NCSC

By this time the swarm of emails related to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) has slowed down since it first went into effect on 25 May 2018. From this date, non-compliance with the regulation may…

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Simplify your path to GDPR compliance with this essential checklist. Ensure your business meets requirements, follows best practices, and receives expert guidance from CloudGeometry.
Alex Ulyanov
May 30, 2018

GDPR Compliance by design

GDPR - it’s a new buzzword we keep hearing nowadays. While it was initially addressed towards big players like Facebook, Google and LinkedIn - it also affects small businesses. If you’ve had the chance to…

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Discover how web themes drive UI consistency and efficient design workflows in B2B SaaS applications. Learn best practices, real-life examples, and leverage CloudGeometry's expertise to integrate web themes into your product.
Demetrius Korotkov
November 17, 2017

50 shades of grey, or how a web theme drives B2B SaaS product consistency

The boundaries are blurring between software-as-a-service and application design. It’s not just about the consistency in separation of the front end of the back end. For your SaaS platform the best practices for well structured code apply as much…

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Get your data, applications, and infrastructure ready for the AI revolution

Get your data, applications, and infrastructure ready for the AI revolution

Take your DevOps practices to the next level with Cloud Native & Platform Engineering

Take your DevOps practices to the next level with Cloud Native & Platform Engineering

Join us at conferences in the US & Europe

We are looking forward to participating in the Linux Foundation Open Source Summit Europe in Vienna. This event is where open source developers, technologists, and community leaders unite to drive innovation, share groundbreaking ideas, and solve the toughest challenges in open source. At CloudGeometry, we're pleased to introduce CGDeVX, our open source quick start kit for platform engineering. It's a unique opportunity to engage with the open source community and we'd love to connect with you there. Join us for a journey of learning, networking, and creating a sustainable open source ecosystem with CGDeVX.
Discover, Collaborate, Innovate!
Vienna, Austria
September 16 - 18, 2024